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I’ve been really trying to step up my photography game around the office.  There are times when I’ll take a photo and I’m not exactly sure why it doesn’t look right.  This weekend I had an amazing opportunity to learn from the best— Dr. Bernie Villadiego.  Dr. Villadiego is a dentist who has taken a special interest in photography.  Not only has he made it a passion of his, but he’s figured out how to translate his knowledge to the rest of us nerdy dentists.
I’m coming away from this great weekend feeling like I finally understand the settings on my camera.  I’m ready to make photography a hobby and take better portraits of our gorgeous patients!
What a beautiful time to be in Dallas, Tx.  As a bonus, my big brother drove all the way up from Houston to have dinner with me and catch up.

Here is a photo that one of the other dentists took of me during the course.
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