Dr. Wehking on Dental Line 9
I had a great time answering calls at Dental Line 9. This year, they set us up right in the middle of the news room. It was fascinating to watch the reporters broadcast live, right as I watched it on the monitor!
When I answered calls last year, most of the calls were about how to find reduced cost dental care. The thing that was interesting this year was the amount of phone calls received about dental implants! I would say that at least 90% of my calls were questions about implants. For example: what do they cost, is an implant better than a bridge, how do implants help retain a denture, how long does the process take? The questions really helped me understand that the public is learning that implants are out there but haven’t received a lot of education from their dentist.
Do you have questions about how you could improve your quality of life through dental implants? Please call our office (303-665-4000) or send me an email at