It’s not occlusion… It’s passion!
Whenever I see chipped front teeth, I spend a considerable amount of time figuring out how this happened. More specifically, I’m looking for a story about the patient’s wear patterns. Stay with me—this isn’t a blog about occlusion, it’s a blog about passion!

Andrew came in for his comprehensive exam recently. And like many patients, I noticed his chipped front teeth. After about 5 minutes of trying to figure out where his teeth fit together that could have caused these front teeth to break, I finally asked him how this happened. A little embarrassed but also very proud, Andrew answered, “Well, they broke during a really amazing makeout session.”

This Valentines Day, I hope that you get to spend some time with the people you love. I hope that you are told how much you are loved. And if you’re lucky enough to have a kiss so amazing that you break your teeth… give me a call.