Missing Our Patients But Trying To Make The Most of This Time
I hope everyone is happy, healthy, and enjoying time at home. I miss my favorite faces, both teammates and patients! Here’s what we’ve all been up to, can’t wait to see you all soon.

“Hello my wonderful patients! I hope you all are doing great and are in good health. As for my family, we are all doing well. We’ve been spending this time off doing school work (of course), puzzles, painting, cooking together, de-cluttering, and having picnics in our backyard. I can’t wait to get back in the office and continue caring for you all.” -Adele

“During this pandemic— we’ve celebrated birthdays, experimented with new recipes, drank lots of good wine and took full advantage or relaxing while staying safe and healthy. Looking forward to the day I can join my teammates in giving you a happy and healthy smile again!” -Ana

“Besides eating myself into a food coma, I’ve been trying to soak up as much Vitamin D as possible, getting my seeds started and working on building my raised garden beds.”- Cym

“We, like most other parents now, are adjusting to homeschooling and I often find myself wanting a refreshing adult beverage by noon! We try to get out for some exercise daily and the dogs are loving all of the attention. Overall, we are probably watching too much TV and letting the kids play too many video games, but we are happy and enjoying our family time together. I miss my work family and my patients and am looking forward to getting back to work when all of this uncertainty is over!” -Kendra

“I’ve been spending time outside walking my dogs, getting my garden ready for the planting and catching up on lots of unfinished projects. I got my cute vintage camper out of storage and ready for our first camping trip of the season too. I’m ready for summertime!” -Shari

“I’m just sitting here crying like a little baby about how much I love and miss my team.
But really, we’ve been spending LOTS of time at the office doing some big projects! I can’t wait for you all to see it. We’ve also been doing prison yard workouts in the backyard, local hikes, and drinking too much beer at home. Love my quarantine team but can’t wait to see you all.” – Dawn